cheapest viagra On Tuesday February 23, 2016 I had the opportunity to speak to an amazing group of women at the Women’s Business Council, which is part of the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce. This group is founded on a mission to empower, recognize and inspire women in business. If you are on Twitter you can follow them at @WBCLehighValley and #WBCLV.
This particular luncheon was dedicated to Simplicity is Success and the act of simply slowing down.
Thanks to @WBCLehighValley for inviting me to speak to a room full of successful women! @GLVCC
— Tracy Davidson (@tracydavidson) February 23, 2016
Thanks to everyone who took the time to post photos and tweets about the event with @WBCLehighValley! Here is a quick snapshot:
Loved seeing everyone yesterday. #LehighValley
— Tracy Davidson (@tracydavidson) February 24, 2016
#adoptionattorney Dorota Kozak and @GLVCC @WBCLehighValley met newswoman Tracy Davidson today.
— KingSpry Law (@King_Spry_Law) February 23, 2016
Full house at “Simplicity is Success” #wbclv
— WomensBizCouncil LV (@WBCLehighValley) February 23, 2016