In spite of all the negative in the world I still believe people are good at their core. But lately I have been amazed at *how* good. I hosted a fundraiser at my home a few weeks ago to benefit Philabundance. Was so grateful to all of my friends who attended and were so very generous. Some people couldn’t some- no worries- people have busy lives. But then something amazing to me started to happen. I began to get checks in the mail and cards from Philabundance telling me those friends had donated on-line. What?!!! That touches my soul. Seriously, I’ve almost been moved to tears when I’ve opened some of these cards. Who does that? I’ll tell you who: people who get it, people who believe in helping others, people who live this Pope Francis quote: “To live charitably means not looking out for your own interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us.” I am beyond grateful to all have helped me in my mission to end hunger in our community.