Big news! I’m going to be doing a TedX talk in May in West Chester. I would love it if you joined me. My TedX Talk will be about how distracted our lives have become, and how we can choose to live intentionally. Tickets go on sale today. Below is the link! Just click the link in the top right corner:
Tracy’s Profile on TEDx:
Overview of Topic:
Don’t Give Your Life Away
A war is being waged. No one will die but lives will be lost, if you define your life by the minutes and hours of a day. The target of this war is our attention. Distractions around us seem to double daily. We claim we can multi-task, but researchers say otherwise. Instead, our ability to focus is slipping away, potentially impacting jobs, careers and relationships. There’s a lot at stake. Do you want to give “it” away?