www.jacksonstr.com buy cialis Just back from an amazing vacation that was more than a year in the planning- a trip to Italy with a group of more than 20 people from church. We were there for 10 days. Prior to leaving, I had decided that I would put myself on a digital detox. I’ve done it before because I’ve studied the benefits of a detox. You can become more focused, better able to concentrate, more creative and… calmer. Usually when I “detox”, it’s for a few days- when I stop all social media (My Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). This was going to be ten days! Though, the potential data overage charges of my international wireless plan were incentive to “stay strong”.
I must admit, almost as soon as we touched down in Rome, I felt the urge to take pictures and share- “Look at this church” “How about that fountain” #pasta. I do think the urge is physical. It felt like that anyway. I know research shows that when you take pics and share, instead of fully experiencing, you forget more. I wanted to remember every second of this special trip.
Within a couple of days into the trip that took us to Assisi, Sienna and Florence, to name a few places… It became easy to leave my phone in my bag. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely looked like a tourist, snapping pictures of the most amazing sights. But the urge to “share” was gone. Instead I “shared” the “experience” with the tour group. And my enjoyment was enhanced by the people around me- our discussions, their impressions of the art, food, culture and breathtaking landscape.
I began to take full breaths. My shoulders started to fall away from my ears. No neck strain looking at my phone. I was taking it all in.
The added benefits were revealed when I got back to work. At this moment at least, I find myself far more focused and relaxed than I was when I began my detox. Now, you can say it’s just the vacation. But knowing how *attached* I usually am, I’m confident it was the lack of distraction for an extended period of time.
Try it. Try a digital detox few even a few hours on a weekend day- away from your phone… and let me know how it feels. Would love to hear your experiences.